21st March

A general amelioration of the weather brought a few new odds and ends, including more Skylarks, an increase to 33 Meadow Pipits and 8 Pied Wagtails trickling through in the morning mist. The first Bean Goose for a few weeks, thought most likely to be of the Tundra race, appeared among the remaining White-fronted Geese; and another new Iceland Gull, a first-winter this time, was found on the golf course. A Chaffinch was at the observatory, and 2 Peregrines were seen. Linnets continued to increase, reaching 24, while the number of Twites dropped further to just a couple of birds. Another breeding species rapidly increasing in number was Black-headed Gull: a count of 156, mostly at the Hooking Loch colony, was the highest of the year so far.

Snow Buntings have been noticeably fewer in number than this time last year, but one or two have been present around the coast .
