18th-19th April

Pochard on Bride's increased to 5 on 18th when singles of Fieldfare and Song Thrush were new as was a Siskin. 113 Sanderling and 6 Sandwich Terns were in Linklet Bay while 8 Rooks and Heron flew south. The Pale-bellied Brent Goose and a male Sparrowhawk were present both days but the 19th produced a Red Kite - second island record, and a locally rare Stock Dove. The latter hanging around the Holland area an the former heading south midday. 18 Common Redpolls dropped into Holland, 15 of which flew south soon afterwards as did 9 Rooks and 3 Carrion Crows. 7 Sand Martin and 2 Swallows arrived and a Snow Bunting was near Rue.
Red Kite
